WIFO Bulletin

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Deep, But Short Recession in Austria. Economic Outlook for 2020 and 2021
WIFO Bulletin, 2020, 25(6), S.45-58
Online seit: 11.08.2020 0:00
The measures adopted to contain the COVID-19 pandemic give rise to a recession in Austria. With a slump by 7.0 percent year-on-year, demand and output will contract even more sharply in 2020 than during the economic and financial market crisis of 2008-09. Since the trough now appears to have been passed, the recession promises to be short. Nevertheless, GDP will still not be back to its pre-crisis level by the end of the projection horizon (end of 2021).
Forschungsbereich:Makroökonomie und öffentliche Finanzen

Ihre Ansprechpersonen


apl. Prof. Dr. Hans Pitlik

Funktion: Ökonom (Senior Economist), Chefredaktion WIFO-Monatsberichte und WIFO Reports on Austria

Tamara Fellinger

Tätigkeitsbereiche: Redaktion, Website, Publikationen, Abonnentenbetreuung

Tatjana Weber

Tätigkeitsbereiche: Redaktion, Website, Publikationen, Abonnentenbetreuung