
Klaus Friesenbichler, Agnes Kügler (WIFO), Julia Schieber-Knöbl (ST.AT)
Wie viel wird in Wissenskapital von österreichischen Unternehmen investiert?. Evidenz von Mikrodaten (How Much Do Austrian Firms Invest in Knowledge Capital? . Evidence from Micro Data)
WIFO Research Briefs, 2022, (23), 10 pages
Commissioned by: European Commission, Framework Programme
Study by: Austrian Institute of Economic Research – Statistics Netherlands – Istituto Nazionale di Statistica – Lunaria Associazione di Promozione Sociale e Impresa Sociale – United Nations University – Maastricht Economic and Social Research Institute on Innovation and Technology – Fondation Nationale des Sciences Politiques – Scuola superiore Sant'Anna – Statistics Austria – University College London – University of Ljubljana – University of Tartu – Catholic University of Leuven – Centre for European Economic Research – University of Bielefeld
Online since: 06.10.2022 0:00
Das WIFO untersuchte gemeinsam mit der Statistik Austria im Rahmen des "Horizon 2020"-Projektes "GROWINPRO" die Rolle von Wissenskapital. Dies gewinnt in hochentwickelten Ökonomien immer mehr an Bedeutung. Dieser Research Brief zeigt anhand von Mikrodaten der Statistik Austria den Einsatz von Wissenskapital in Österreichs Unternehmen über Branchen. Daraus werden einige wirtschaftspolitische Ansatzpunkte sowie kritische Aspekte für die Diskussion abgeleitet.
Keywords:Wissenskapital, Intangibles, Mikrodaten, Österreich, Investitionen
Research group:Industrial, Innovation and International Economics

How Much Do Austrian Firms Invest in Knowledge Capital? . Evidence from Micro Data
WIFO, together with Statistics Austria, investigated the role of knowledge capital within the framework of the "Horizon 2020" project "GROWINPRO". This is becoming increasingly important in highly developed economies. This Research Brief uses micro data from Statistics Austria to show the use of knowledge capital in Austrian firms across industries. Based on these first empirical results, a critical discussion and valuable conclusions for economic policy can be derived.