WIFO Research Briefs

The WIFO Research Briefs present short contributions to economic policy discussions as well as short summaries of WIFO's research work. They are written in compliance with the Guidelines for Good Scientific Practice and scientific policy advice of the Austrian Agency for Research Integrity (ÖAWI) and serve to increase the national and international visibility of WIFO research results.

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Ordnungspolitische Leitlinien für ein Elektrizitätsgrundkontingent zum Fixpreis. Antworten auf 15 Fragen zum WIFO-Modell (Regulatory Guidelines for a Basic Electricity Quota at a Fixed Price. Answers to 15 Questions About the WIFO Model)
WIFO Research Briefs, 2022, (19), 8 pages
Online since: 17.08.2022 10:00
Durch die Verknappung des Gasangebots infolge des Krieges in der Ukraine sind über den Preisbildungsmechanismus der "Merit Order" die Strompreise stark angestiegen. Ein Elektrizitätsgrundkontingent zum reduzierten Fixpreis kann hohe Preissteigerungen dämpfen und private Haushalte entlasten. Im vorliegenden WIFO Research Brief werden 15 Fragen zu einem Elektrizitätsgrundkontingent beantwortet.
Research group:Industrial, Innovation and International Economics – Climate, Environmental and Resource Economics

Regulatory Guidelines for a Basic Electricity Quota at a Fixed Price. Answers to 15 Questions About the WIFO Model
Electricity prices have recently risen sharply due to the shortage of natural gas in the wake of the war in Ukraine. A basic electricity quota at a reduced fixed price can dampen high price increases and relieve private households. This WIFO Research Brief answers 15 questions on the design of basic electricity quota.