WIFO-Monatsberichte (monthly reports)

The WIFO-Monatsberichte (monthly reports) contain research results and publications by WIFO staff on national and international economic developments based on sound economic analyses. Additionally, important key figures on the international and Austrian economic situation are published in the WIFO-Monatsberichte.

Editorial Board
Jesús Crespo Cuaresma (Vienna University of Economics and Business)
Claudia Kemfert (German Institute for Economic Research)
Philipp Schmidt-Dengler (University of Vienna)
Jens Südekum (Heinrich Heine University Düsseldorf)
Andrea Weber (Central European University)

Online full-text issues available since 1927 – One-year subscription € 270, single issue € 27.50

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Entspannung auf den Energiemärkten verbessert die Unternehmensstimmung (Easing Tensions in Energy Markets Improve Business Sentiment)
WIFO-Monatsberichte, 2023, 96(2), pp.79-85
Online since: 06.03.2023 0:00
Der WIFO-Konjunkturklimaindex hat sich im Jänner erneut leicht verbessert. In der Sachgütererzeugung ging der Index der aktuellen Lagebeurteilung zwar weiter zurück, die Erwartungen für die kommenden drei Monate hellten sich jedoch auf. Der Preisdruck aus dem Ausland lässt allmählich nach, treibt aber verzögert die Verbraucherpreise und damit die Inflationsrate.
JEL-Codes:E32, E66
Research group:Macroeconomics and Public Finance

Easing Tensions in Energy Markets Improve Business Sentiment
The WIFO Business Climate Index improved again slightly in January. In manufacturing, the index of the current situation assessment continued to decline, but expectations for the coming three months brightened. Price pressures from abroad are gradually easing, but have a delayed impact on consumer prices and thus on the inflation rate.

Contact persons


apl. Prof. Dr. Hans Pitlik

Function: Senior Economist, Editor-in-chief WIFO-Monatsberichte and WIFO Reports on Austria

Tatjana Weber

Activities: Publications, website, subscriptions

Tamara Fellinger

Activities: Publications, website, subscriptions