WIFO-Monatsberichte (monthly reports)

The WIFO-Monatsberichte (monthly reports) contain research results and publications by WIFO staff on national and international economic developments based on sound economic analyses. Additionally, important key figures on the international and Austrian economic situation are published in the WIFO-Monatsberichte.

Editorial Board
Jesús Crespo Cuaresma (Vienna University of Economics and Business)
Claudia Kemfert (German Institute for Economic Research)
Philipp Schmidt-Dengler (University of Vienna)
Jens Südekum (Heinrich Heine University Düsseldorf)
Andrea Weber (Central European University)

Online full-text issues available since 1927 – One-year subscription € 270, single issue € 27.50

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WIFO-Monatsberichte, Heft 11/2022 (WIFO-Monatsberichte, no 11/2022)
WIFO-Monatsberichte, 2022, 95(11), 80 pages
Online since: 12.12.2022 0:00
Stefan Ederer, Österreichs Wirtschaft im Sog des internationalen Konjunkturabschwungs • Werner Hölzl, Jürgen Bierbaumer, Michael Klien, Agnes Kügler, Abschwung setzt sich fort. Ergebnisse der Quartalsbefragung des WIFO-Konjunkturtests vom Oktober 2022 • Anna Burton, Sabine Ehn-Fragner, Oliver Fritz, Teuerung und geopolitische Unsicherheit belasten Tourismus • Michael Böheim, Ulrike Huemer, Claudia Kettner, Daniela Kletzan-Slamanig, Margit Schratzenstaller, Unterstützungsmaßnahmen für Unternehmen zur Abfederung hoher Energiekosten • Rainer Eppel, Ulrike Huemer, Helmut Mahringer, Lukas Schmoigl, Welcher Kurs wirkt für wen? Effektivität der Qualifizierungsförderungen des Arbeitsmarktservice Österreich
Research group:Macroeconomics and Public Finance – Labour Economics, Income and Social Security – Industrial, Innovation and International Economics – Regional Economics and Spatial Analysis – Climate, Environmental and Resource Economics

WIFO-Monatsberichte, no 11/2022
Stefan Ederer, Austria's Economy in the Wake of the International Economic Downturn • Werner Hölzl, Jürgen Bierbaumer, Michael Klien, Agnes Kügler, Downturn Continues. Results of the WIFO-Konjunkturtest Quarterly Survey of October 2022 • Anna Burton, Sabine Ehn-Fragner, Oliver Fritz, Inflation and Geopolitical Uncertainty Weighs on Tourism • Michael Böheim, Ulrike Huemer, Claudia Kettner, Daniela Kletzan-Slamanig, Margit Schratzenstaller, Support Measures for Companies to Cushion High Energy Costs • Rainer Eppel, Ulrike Huemer, Helmut Mahringer, Lukas Schmoigl, Which Course Works for Whom? Effectiveness of Public Employment Service Training in Austria

Contact persons


apl. Prof. Dr. Hans Pitlik

Function: Senior Economist, Editor-in-chief WIFO-Monatsberichte and WIFO Reports on Austria

Tatjana Weber

Activities: Publications, website, subscriptions

Tamara Fellinger

Activities: Publications, website, subscriptions