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WIFO publications

Angela Köppl, Claudia Kettner-Marx, Stefan Schleicher, Christian Hofer, Katharina Köberl (WIFO), Jürgen Schneider, Ilse Schindler, Thomas Krutzler, Thomas Gallauner (Federal Environment Agency), Gabriel Bachner, Thomas Schinko, Karl W. Steininger (Wegener Center), Matthias Jonas, Piotr Zebrowski (IIASA)
ClimTrans2050 – Modelling Low Energy and Low Carbon Transformations. The ClimTrans2050 Research Plan
Studies, July 2016, 250 pages
Commissioned by: Klima- und Energiefonds
Study by: Austrian Institute of Economic Research – International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis – Environment Agency Austria – University of Graz, Wegener Center for Climate and Global Change
Online since: 07.07.2016 0:00
The ClimTrans2050 research plan provides a framework for modelling long-run transition processes. A deepened structural modelling approach is proposed for the development of a fully operational open source model for Austria. The mindset for the proposed modelling framework rests on a number of innovative aspects: functionalities (shelter, mobility, nutrition, etc.) as ultimate goal of economic activity; stock-flow interactions providing functionalities; distinction of three tiers for modelling (physical, economic and institutional layers). The research plan also lists knowledge gaps and next research steps and addresses how Austrian emissions could be embedded into a global context.
Keywords:TP_Nachhaltigkeit_Nachhaltigkeit, TP_GrueneTransformation
Research group:Climate, Environmental and Resource Economics

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Completed research studies
Commissioned by: Klima- und Energiefonds
Study by: Austrian Institute of Economic Research – International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis – Environment Agency Austria – University of Graz, Wegener Center for Climate and Global Change
Closed: 2016
The project aims at developing the framework and a research plan for the open source modelling approach by moving beyond the boundaries of current modelling practices. Instead of focusing on conventional economic indicators, these extensions will focus on functionalities for wellbeing, the interactions of stocks and flows, and the consequences for emissions. The modelling will be carried out in a dynamic setting that distinguishes between the impacts of transition measures in the investment phase and those in the operating phase. Within this common framework, operational prototype modules of the open source model for Austria will be developed. Emission paths for Austria will be embedded into those that meet the 2°C temperature target in the global context.

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Tamara Fellinger

Activities: Publications, website, subscriptions

Tatjana Weber

Activities: Publications, website, subscriptions