The Economy in the Austrian Federal Provinces

Analysis and forecast of business cycles are core competencies of WIFO. The series "The Economy in the Austrian Federal Provinces" provides a quarterly overview of the current economic development of the Austrian federal provinces. Based on the results of WIFO forecast and reporting, this publication uses the findings of the WIFO-Konjunkturtest (business cycle survey), current labour market and tourism data as well as figures from the short-term statistics. Twice a year, the results of the WIFO Flash Estimate on the development of real gross value added in the federal provinces are included. The reporting periods are the first half of the previous year (published in February) and the past year (published in June). The last issue of the year contains a forecast of employment and unemployment by province for the next years.

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Abschwächung der Konjunktur in allen Bundesländern. Herbst 2022 (Weakening of the Economy in all Federal Provinces. Autumn 2022)
The Economy in the Austrian Federal Provinces, 2023, 2022, (3), 75 pages
Online since: 02.03.2023 0:00
Für das III. Quartal 2022 zeigen die regionalen Konjunkturindikatoren eine Abschwächung der wirtschaftlichen Dynamik in allen Bundesländern. Während die Entwicklung der Zahl der Übernachtungen im 1. Halbjahr noch von den Aufholprozessen nach der COVID-19-Krise geprägt war, flachte sich der Zuwachs im III. Quartal deutlich ab. Auch die Sachgütererzeugung und das Bauwesen entwickelten sich weniger dynamisch, und das Beschäftigungswachstum fiel österreichweit um 0,9 Prozentpunkte niedriger als im II. Quartal aus. Eine nach Bundesländern differenzierte Betrachtung zeigt regional unterschiedliche Ausprägungen der Konjunkturabschwächung.
Research group:Regional Economics and Spatial Analysis

Weakening of the Economy in all Federal Provinces. Autumn 2022
For the third quarter of 2022, regional economic indicators show a weakening of economic momentum in all federal provinces. While the development of the number of overnight stays in the first half year was still characterised by the catch-up processes following the COVID-19 crisis, growth flattened out significantly in the third quarter. Manufacturing and construction also developed less dynamically, and employment growth across Austria was 0.9 percentage points lower than in the second quarter. A differentiated analysis by provinces shows that the economic slowdown has taken different regional forms.

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