Monographs and recurrent publications

Commissioned work is regularly published in the form of monographs. Same as ongoing publications (such as the WIFO Economic Outlook, reports on Austrian Laender), they are available as print and online versions, charged at cost.

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Precarious Careers in Research. Analysis and Policy Options
Studies, December 2022, 291 pages
Commissioned by: European Commission
Study by: Austrian Institute of Economic Research – Austrian Institute of Technology – University of Leiden, CWTS – IDEA Consult – Catholic University of Leuven, INCENTIM – Solvay Brussels School of Economics and Management
Online since: 19.12.2022 0:00
This report maps employment contracts and career models with a view to gain knowledge about where and which groups of researchers suffer most from precarious careers. It suggests policies to reduce the precariousness of researcher careers and indicators to monitor progress. It follows a mixed methods approach, using as much as possible internationally comparative data.
Research group:Labour Economics, Income and Social Security – Industrial, Innovation and International Economics

Contact persons


Tamara Fellinger

Activities: Publications, website, subscriptions

Tatjana Weber

Activities: Publications, website, subscriptions